Notice: Constant ENV_CONFIGURATION_IMPORT_RESALES_NPT already defined in /home/h00/public_html/sd/sh4u/inc/inc.qresod.sh4u.php on line 211

Warning: Use of undefined constant ENV_WK_RO_API_V6_AGENCY_FILTER_OWN_SALE - assumed 'ENV_WK_RO_API_V6_AGENCY_FILTER_OWN_SALE' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/h00/public_html/sd/sh4u/inc/inc.environment.php on line 116

Warning: Use of undefined constant ENV_WK_RO_API_V6_AGENCY_FILTER_OWN_SHORT - assumed 'ENV_WK_RO_API_V6_AGENCY_FILTER_OWN_SHORT' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/h00/public_html/sd/sh4u/inc/inc.environment.php on line 117

Warning: Use of undefined constant ENV_WK_RO_API_V6_AGENCY_FILTER_OWN_LONG - assumed 'ENV_WK_RO_API_V6_AGENCY_FILTER_OWN_LONG' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/h00/public_html/sd/sh4u/inc/inc.environment.php on line 118

Warning: Use of undefined constant ENV_OPTION_SCHEMA_BREADCRUMB_HTML_LINK - assumed 'ENV_OPTION_SCHEMA_BREADCRUMB_HTML_LINK' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/h00/public_html/sd/sh4u/inc/q23/app/ on line 468

Warning: Use of undefined constant ENV_OPTION_SCHEMA_BREADCRUMB_HTML_LINK - assumed 'ENV_OPTION_SCHEMA_BREADCRUMB_HTML_LINK' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/h00/public_html/sd/sh4u/inc/q23/app/ on line 469

Warning: Use of undefined constant ENV_OPTION_SCHEMA_BREADCRUMB_HTML_DIVIDER - assumed 'ENV_OPTION_SCHEMA_BREADCRUMB_HTML_DIVIDER' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/h00/public_html/sd/sh4u/inc/q23/app/ on line 470

Warning: Use of undefined constant ENV_OPTION_SCHEMA_BREADCRUMB_HTML_DIVIDER - assumed 'ENV_OPTION_SCHEMA_BREADCRUMB_HTML_DIVIDER' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/h00/public_html/sd/sh4u/inc/q23/app/ on line 470

Warning: Use of undefined constant ENV_OPTION_SCHEMA_BREADCRUMB_HTML_DIVIDER - assumed 'ENV_OPTION_SCHEMA_BREADCRUMB_HTML_DIVIDER' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/h00/public_html/sd/sh4u/inc/q23/app/ on line 471

Warning: Use of undefined constant ENV_OPTION_SCHEMA_BREADCRUMB_HTMP_WRAPPER - assumed 'ENV_OPTION_SCHEMA_BREADCRUMB_HTMP_WRAPPER' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/h00/public_html/sd/sh4u/inc/q23/app/ on line 494

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/h00/public_html/sd/sh4u/inc/inc.qresod.sh4u.php:211) in /home/h00/public_html/sd/sh4u/index.php on line 1988

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/h00/public_html/sd/sh4u/inc/inc.qresod.sh4u.php:211) in /home/h00/public_html/sd/sh4u/index.php on line 1990

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/h00/public_html/sd/sh4u/inc/inc.qresod.sh4u.php:211) in /home/h00/public_html/sd/sh4u/index.php on line 1991

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/h00/public_html/sd/sh4u/inc/inc.qresod.sh4u.php:211) in /home/h00/public_html/sd/sh4u/index.php on line 1993
Team | Second Home 4 U


Jeroen Nieuwdam Van den Bogaert

Makelaar in en Internationaal taxateur van onroerende zaken

Jeroen is ruim 20 jaar actief op de Spaanse woningmarkt; verantwoordelijk voor honderden taxaties en bouwkundige keuringen in heel Spanje namens zijn bedrijf en heeft hiermee zijn sporen ruimschoots verdiend. Jeroen heeft inmiddels een aanzienlijk netwerk van contacten opgebouwd, onder wie professionals zoals makelaars, consultants, advocaten, notarissen, fiscalisten, banken, architecten en bouwbedrijven. Deze contacten deelt hij graag met u! Met Jeroen móet u uw huis in Spanje dat bij u past kunnen vinden!

Talen: Nederlands, Spaans, Engels, Duits en Frans.

Tel: +34 663 331 012 / +31 683 393 303


Paul Bakker


Paul is jaren geleden als koper van meerdere villa’s in Marbella neergestreken. Deze ervaringsdeskundige, vriendelijke sportieve ondernemer is ooit begonnen als tennisleraar en nu succesvol ondernemer in de ruimste zin des woords. Paul staat u graag bij om uw droomhuis onder de Spaanse zon te vinden. Hij weet vanuit eigen ervaring waar u op moet letten bij het aankopen van uw droomhuis in Spanje!

Talen: Nederlands, Spaans, Engels, Duits en Frans.

Tel: +31 655 378 532
